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Showing posts from 2011

wow what an incredible journey:)

firstly- i want to wish everyone the happiest of holidays:) this has been an incredible year!! i am now settled in austin and will be back on track with this very important blog!!!! ok so lets take a very important moment to reflect on this past year! i would love to hear a few things that have made this year special to you?? i am sending all love and complete support and again i will be back on track with daily blogs!!!! xx

change is good, change is movement!!

changes!!! does this word bring up emotions for you? fear of the unknown? well luckily for myself i am a bit of an adventurer:) we have been blessed as a family to live in australia for the last 4 years. what a total treat!! we all have loved it. with the news of my husbands job shutting there office here we are moving. i will not lie at first, i freaked out!! sort of a spinning out feeling. i was anxious with all the common questions, where will we go? what school will luna go to? what about taylor? we need a job?? you see where i am going with this. haha well during a bit of a panic i just stopped, took in a much needed breath and then just spoke... if you are wondering to whom well my higher power is the best description. i spoke my fears out loud and asked to please help!!! it worked!!! in no time my attitude completely shifted from fear to excitement. as if the exact situation had no more strong hold on me. gone-POOF:) just like that. i can understand now why we had to move here a

is it really that simple??

can you really change your life by becoming conscience of your thoughts?? the answer is, YES!!! it really is that simple. i encourage you to try it yourself. here are so great suggestions to try. before you get out of bed declare the kind of day you would like to have. example: today is going to be filled with all greatness. life loves and supports me. how about in the shower be conscience and tell your body how thankful you are that it works so perfectly for you. while brushing your teeth take a moment and look into your eyes and say hi beautiful today is going to be a fantastic day. as you are getting dressed know that you are picking out the perfect outfit for your day. as you make breakfast be thankful for the wonderful nutritional foods that are available to you for your body. as you step out of the house show gratitude for the wonderful home you have. bless your car and affirm that you always get to your destination safely. i would love for you to share what kind of day you had!!

i am amazed at the awareness my child knows

today i am sitting here thinking about what my 10 year old daughter already grasps about love and life. she said to me today, "I want to be a teacher!!" all i could think to myself is YOU ALREADY ARE. she has started her own blog fully designed and written by her and it is so impressive. she really gets it!!! it being LIFE:) with the connection and knowledge she has she wants to teach and share it with the world. if you have a chance please stop by her blog and let her know what you think??!!   have a wonderful day and weekend. i am heading off to sydney to meet LOUISE HAY!!!!!!!!! love, light and complete support. today i am so thankful for the sunshine and birds today i am so thankful for the wonderful friends and family i have today i am so thankful for you and me:)

being hard on yourself?? forgiveness

i am here to talk about how being hard on yourself doesn't work. we are all here on this planet doing the best that we can and beating ourselves up isn't the answer. when situations present themselves to us and it triggers anger or resentment step back for a moment and take 3 deep breaths. ask yourself, "is this coming from fear or love?" remember that love will always set you free. be kind and support yourself. be your own best friend!!!

bless another persons good fortune and know that there is plenty for all. Louise L hay

other peoples prosperity mirrors my own abundance my consciousness determines my prosperity. the ONE infinite intelligence always says yes to me, and i say yes to all good. being grateful for what i have helps it increase. this also works with talents and abilities and good health. i recongnize prosperity everywhere and rejoice in it.   Louise L Hay!!!

my love for life is constant!!!

sometimes in our busy worlds with cell phones, media, family, meetings, kids activities, etc. we can forget to stop for just a moment and appreciate what we do have. it happens to  all of us so please do not feel bad. just become aware that in the midst of normal life we CAN take time and think of all that is great in our lives. remember the more you show gratitude the more you will have to be grateful for. i am sending each one of you a huge THANK YOU for being a part of my beautiful blog. please feel free to share anything that you are grateful for today. all love and light- danielle xx

day three

what a beautiful day i had today with my son!!! i met up with him in the city and he took me to a fantastic lunch where we had such great customer service. our food was so tasty and we enjoyed every last bit of it. what a kind and grateful man he has turned out to be. thank you thank you thank you. brisbane you surprised me today!! THANK YOU if you would like to add something that has happened for you to be thankful for i would love to hear about it. with all love, light, and always laughter

day 2

the universe loves gratitude and brings more to your life to be grateful for. what an incredible concept??!! how cool is that. so basically the more thank you's the more you have to say thank you for. i love it!!!! once you grasp this, your life will quickly start working for you.... we all deserve to have a wonderful, fulfilling life. my gratitude list for today my loving family and their support my gorgeous clients that believe in themselves the sunset that i was able to share with a friend i am so grateful for this incredible blog with all love and support- danielle xx

day one

I am fully blessed in my life for so many things. I believe that it is very important to acknowledge the greatness in our lives. It is too easy to get caught up in the media and see life falling apart around us. It is YOUR choice. I bet if you just sat back for a moment and thought to yourself, "What do I have to be thankful for?" You would amaze yourself. I mean music!!!!!!!!! Our ears allow us to hear the songs we love. Our brain computes it and our heart feels it. THAT IS AMAZING:) look at the list of gratitude already growing. i am grateful for each and every one of you in my life i am grateful for my feet- every step of the way, they are there doing there job without asking anything in return i am grateful for my incredible clients who have invested in their selves and trusted the process. you are my heroes!!!!! thank you for being apart of this journey with me, danielle xx

My life is filled with gratitude!!

How are you feeling right now? Do you feel grateful for what you have? What are your thoughts about your day ahead of you? Lets all commit to 30 days of sharing all that we are grateful for!!!:) The more grateful we are the more we will have to be grateful for....... all love, light and laughter danielle xx

what are the benefits with loving your self??

so what do you think about the idea of loving yourself? how do you think you can do that? what would someone gain from loving who they are? I practice what i preach!!!! i have no problems letting myself know how loved i am. I happen to believe that when we truly love who we are, the so called problems that we once had just disappear. imagine having such clarity with in your own heart. it is incredible, and totally easy to do!!!!! if anyone would like some simple tools that you can do on your own, just ask me!! i would love to hear anyone else talk about their experiences with loving of yourself. have the best day and remember to smile:) xo danielle

my truths!!!! what are yours???

I am loved, loving, and lovable. I create my own reality. I see all the beauty around me and appreciate it all. I am healthy and my body reflects this. My family and friends know how loved they are from me and this feels amazing!!! I love helping anyone who wants to rediscover who they truly are. I love my life!!! Please share with me what your truths are!!!!! with complete love and gratitude- thank you:) xoxo

what do you see when you see yourself in the mirror?

we use the mirror everyday!! while brushing our teeth, checking out what we are wearing. What if i challenged you for one week to say the words I LOVE YOU each and every time you passed a mirror. Does that freak you out? great even more reason to try it. I would love to hear back from whomever decides to give it a go. see what comes up for you!! if you need someone to talk to about these feelings I am here. i am sending all love and complete support. enjoy this journey!!!! have the best day!!! be your own best friend and smile:)

the more love and appreciation you have the more that comes to your life

remember all you beautiful souls that we have an opportunity each and every day to spread love and appreciation.. do you smile and thank the person making your coffee in the morning? how about while checking out at the grocery line? at a stop light? how about look up at the sky and give thanks!!!! smiles are free and completely infectious:) give love it will come back to you 1000 times. we have the ability to lift the planet one smile at a time. so much love and appreciation for all!!!!! xo danielle