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hello beautiful day!! thank you for another chance to have more to be grateful for!!!! this is how i start my day off and it really sets the intention for my experiences throughout my day. how do you start your day off?? is it with dread that you have to wake up? are you hitting the snooze button and groaning? or maybe you jump out of bed and already start mentally chattering about everything that NEEDS to get done. what about waking up and worrying? this is how i used to live my life over 10 years ago, i really didn't know that i had a choice. and more powerfully i didn't know that my inner dialogue was my barometer for the kind of day i would have. i really just thought that life just happens and i needed to deal with it. needless to say i was pretty beaten down, low energy, negative, even a victim most days. i am not here to beat myself up or anyone else who has this as there experience i am only here to remind you that YOU are totally in charge of your mind and YOU can control those pestering persistent big voices in your mind. when i first started off trying this new approach out i found myself all day long thousands of times a day catching myself with negative nancy upstairs ruling my mind. it has taken total dedication, practice, patience, total self love, tools, and willingness!!! it has not always been a piece of cake, but it has been a wild ride and i have enjoyed the entire process!!
i can with total ease now control all of my mental chatter and shift it when necessary. it is so empowering to be in this place of peace, love, joy, and creating!! we really are the creators of our reality. so people often ask me,"HOW DO YOU DO IT?" i always respond by saying your already doing it all day every day just from the back end!! hmmm you may wonder what the heck i am talking about, well let me explain it for you. how many times a day do you say something negative to yourself? beat yourself up? perhaps judge you or others? watch negative things on TV? read gossip? tell yourself that your not good enough? i could go on and on...... i think you get the point so what i do is pump myself up all day with words of encouragement and love!! yepp all day that is what i am saying in my mind. sure there are times when i catch myself in those not so shiny moments- so i just ask myself is this lifting me up or tearing me down? if its the latter well then shift that thought!! its just that simple- i know what your saying,"for you its just that simple, but you don't know my life??" maybe i don't have your life but if we ever sat and compared some notes i think you would be quite surprised at what my life has looked like:)

i know that i am here to help lift as many people up to self love that are truly ready and if this has sparked a light in you for change I AM SO PROUD!!! maybe this is just planting a seed I AM SO PROUD!!!! everyone works at their own pace and i truly respect everyones speed. if you would like any guidance around any of this personal development i am always available for one on one coaching!!

sending all love and light always-
danielle xx


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