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Showing posts from May, 2013

MY gosh we are always given opportunities to CHOOSE!!!!

 I really want to share a true story that just happened to me last week. I am at Starbucks drive thru with a decent line of cars and as I am waiting to get to the window to pay the car behind me honks for me to move ahead, I look in my mirror and smile. The woman behind me decides to take it to the next level and starts yelling and cursing at me saying, " WHO DO I think I am?  and clearly I think the world revolves around me." so my TRIGGER has been ignited, my heart is pumping my breath starts to become shallow and all the while she is yelling i am smiling. i would have in the past either gotten out of my car and participated in an all out argument or at the very least cursed her back and then replayed it over and over in my head all day-- maybe even all weekend. so as i am sitting in my car i hear a voice in my heart say- damn if she is projecting this kind of anger and fear onto you imagine what her messages sound like to herself in her head all day long?? that real