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hello america!!!!!

hello gorgeous america!! we are back, living here in beautiful austin. i am creating a wonderful community of incredible women to share and grow together. this is a true gift to share my journey and hear theirs!! so exciting. i am also going to be offering a teleclass for all you amazing souls across this planet. if you are interested just send me an email and i can give you all the details.

i am going to leave you with some food for thought, what is YOUR STROY?? thats right, your story, is it uplifting and empowering you, or is it keeping you completely stuck? have a think about it and remember YOU CAN change it. as a matter of fact if it isnt serving your higher good, DIVORCE it. thats right clean break. if you are asking well how do i do this. it is so simple. quit telling it. make up a new one that serves you. my story was so sad and i repeated it over and over again and everyone would respond the same way. poor girl, damn you had a rough life. OK what did that do for me, it kept me STUCK!!!! i dont tell that story anymore. i now can say i have had quite a colorful past and it has created who i am today!! i am an amazing woman who is loving, caring, compassionate, and filled with gratitude. see what i mean here. ok give it a try if you are up for it. would love to hear your story!!!!!

have a blessed day and speak really soon:)
love and light always!!
danielle dailey


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