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Showing posts from September, 2012

when you feel a dip, you need support the most:)

hi everyone!! so wonderful to be back here and sharing with all of you. i wanted to address the times when we are feeling a dip or a drop with our energy, because lets face it- its so easy to stay positive and be uplifting when you are feeling fantastic. so what do we do when we have lost our momentum and life feels like a challenge? well like i have mentioned previously, we have a choice. we can choose to go down the path that perhaps we all know so well- yes that one, the one that rarely brings you any peace or happiness. come on you know exactly what i am talking about here. the path that we have taken so many times that maybe our foot prints are embedded on the path. sure its the familiar route but lets be real!!! it stinks!!! so because we are here on the planet living our lives there may be days when we "feel" bummed so i am here to challenge you to take the other path, yep thats right the one that you may not be so familiar with and quite possibly feeling fearful to ...